Friday, August 12, 2011

How can i cure my bald patch on my head? Please Help!?

my hair line was pretty wide and it went a little further down the back than usual but i didnt really act on it. now its growing even bigger and i really want something to fix it and make the hair grow back ! im a 14 girl by the way. thanks to anyone who answers :)

Can I refuse allowing an resident intern to examine child?

When we go to my daughters oncologist they subject her to 4 examines in one visit! 1 with the nurse checking her vitals 2 with intern resident doctors and then finally with her oncologist. Each time she freaks out and screams and cries. She is only 2 almost 3. I find it irritating that they are using a toddler to learn on especially since she doesn't like it to begin with. My daughter has had doctors probing and poking her for almost 3 years now. She doesn't like it and it upsets her. Can I just tell them no I do not want them to use my daughter for them to study on? I know they need to learn some how but why use a child that is obviously extremely upset by the multiple examinations?

What should I name my characters? Please help!?

I, for one, am desperate to read the rest of the story! Really! Is it going to be a short story or a novel? Can I read it when it's finished? I have to know what happens to Ben & Eden. Luke and Mason are both great names for the guy. You've got a real flair. Very believable. Is this autobiographical? ~ ~ ~

How to legally park In a cul de sac?

We live in a cul de sac and their is a lot of questions about how to park. We live in a town home (all homes are connected together) no lawn separating the homes. We have a 1 car wide drive way that fits 2 cars. If their are 2 cars in the drive way how should a 3rd person park? Just park directly behind the other 2 with the body of the car slightly out in the cul de sac? We live in Virginia beach, VA (hompton roads). If that makes any dicerence. There is almost no curb to park parallel to because all the houses are conected. We had a friend parked behind us and a neighbor hit his car while he was parked. They blame him partially for being "illegally parked" is he actually illegally parked. They could have gone directly back had plenty of room to turn and leave the cul de sac. Almost everyone in the cul de sac parks like we do.

In which order do you watch Eden of the East films?

On April 9, 2009, the series began its run of 11 episodes, to be followed by two films. Another film will be shown in theaters before the two films. It will be titled Eden of the East Compilation: Air Communication. It is a film RETELLING of the 11 episode TV series. The studio originally planned for a second season but decided instead that a pair of movies would be better.

Can you trip off of ambien? What woild the trip be like?

Ok so here's the deal my friend and i woke up very early to watch the sunrise and smoke a few bowls. then we walked home but i realized i wasn't tired and my mom takes ambien i never have though but i thought i'd take one and i could fall asleep so i took 15mg and that was fifteen miutes ago. Now I'm on here wriring wondering if this is reight? i was going to sleep but i'm wide awake with it and i feel really weird. like i keep zoning out writing this forgettung were i am. things are distorted like things are just moving, I feel like im in so many worlds got i hate this world where i have to write i keeo getting distracted by that soind. ooh i just realozed it was from my ipod, but i also seem really relaxed and optimistic, and dizzy. and its really hard to ty[e because the keys are moving i swear this is kind of freaking me out but it's kind of amazing euphoric but so disconnected from what's my own world and seeing random things. Man I forget why i'm asking this. but oh yse yes i took it a bit ago expecting to go to sleep but i couldn't and now all this is happening as i'm writing this its the bridge of the song and i feel like i've become it. What should I do?

Why don't geneticists get the hard time that evolutionary discoverers get in disproving the bible?

Genetics supports the bible trees produce their own seeds and there is one flesh of fish, birds, man, and see Genetics is the opposite of evolution..In Genetics you can only pass on genes you possess and the gene pool becomes corrupted over time and the quality of the DNA is less over time...Evolution has life expanding in information passing on huge amounts of complex information not present in the parents..these ideas conflict. We do know that man does have only one common set of parents. We have an enormous potential of genetic variation from the pure DNA that was in the original pair. The skin color of all men is actually the same Melanin is pigment and we have many densities available within the species.

How does Chicharito compare with these young prospects?

Chicharito is the best goal poacher just put it like that. He always there at the right time to score the goal. I don't think he's better than any on the list except Macheda and Sissoko. I can put Chicharito in a list of best goal poacher but not overall

I told my dad I was having trouble concentrating in school; He prescribed me something & IDK what it is?

Probably is a placebo as he might get in trouble giving you something real. ADD medication has some serious side effects so it's probably better you did not get them. You would notice the difference anyway. Some pills do not have an imprint or marking on but if it seems like it's not doing anything then it probably isn't.

My husband and my sister?

My husband is an oncologist physician (cancer doctor) and he has been a good part of my personal family (growing up without parents and siblings, my mom and dad see him as kind of their son). He is a very nice man and has done a lot of contributions and research to cancer without taking any money. He has done checkups for my parents for free. However, my sister has asked to receive a gynecological exam for cancer, and a week from that other checkup he will give her a mammogram and do some bloodwork to detect cancer as it runs in our family. My husband has never cheated and is very religious. However, I feel a bit tense of him physically checking my sister (especially the vagina and breasts). There will be other nurses in the room though. I get a little insecure sometimes when I also see him with other female doctors at the hospital where we work in (I'm a nurse). Our family goes to him for cancer checkups frequently as he is a world acknowledged physician and is one of the best in the nation, so they wouldn't have anyone else. Plus, obviously my parents and sister know him as he is my husband. Am I taking this too far? Is it normal that I feel a little agitated about this? No one in my family has brought it up, and they're okay with it...your thoughts?

Do we know what really causes cancer? Or at least have a slight idea/theory?

I plan on becoming an oncologist in the future, and have been studying cancer for about a year now. I've been trying to keep up to date with the latest news/breakthroughs. Have we found what causes cancer? Or at least have the slightest of theories?

What Are Your Top 20 Favourite Horror Films Of All Time?

I know that taste is subjective, but you really mean to tell me that neither 'The Shining' nor 'The Exorcist' make your top 20, but you found room for a Megan Fox movie? Really? Not even 'The Omen' original? I think we're done here.

Is Eden of the East a good show to watch during an anime party?

So I'm having 5 friends over today and we are supposed to marathon one whole anime series. I've decided for a few of my more fidgety friends to pick a short series. I heard people rave over Eden of the East so I bought it and the movie. I don't have enough time to watch it beforehand but is it a good anime? I don't want my friends to be bored while they watch? Feedback would be appreciated.

Im i more of a virgo rising or libra rising?

Find out your rising sign on here if you don't know a href="" rel="nofollow" go to "free birth chart"

My trucks wont fit on my long board deck?

so i built a longboard deck from scratch a couple years ago and when i drilled the holes, the stencil had two different sizes and i used the longer size. i have some indi trucks that fit my sector 9 longboard but the holes for the Independent trucks don't match up right with the deck i built. does anyone know where i can find different sized base plates so that it will fit? and the base plate doesn't need to be wider, but longer. thanks in advance for your help

Swelling after the dentist?

I had a filling a few months ago, and it came out, the dentist just re-filled it for me 4 days ago. My jaws swollen and I can't open my mouth very wide without it hurting. It was on my wisdom tooth, it was a very deep filling. Any ideas on how to get it to go down?

Trying to make a decision about surgery?

I have just been diagnosed with cervical cancer, as of right now stage 1B. I have two beautiful children and my husband and I were planning for a third next year. I am only 31 and am having a really hard time accepting the fact that I will most likely lose my fertility when I had so many plans for the future. I have had abnormal paps since I was 18 years old. Nothing has ever been recommended before now. I had my colposcopy and it showed the normal dysplasia that I am used to. My new ObGyn recommended a LEEP. The pathology from the LEEP showed mild dysplasia on the outside of my cervix. It was on the inner cervix and the endocervix where squamous cell carcinoma was diagnosed. This is really scary to me because that's what my paps have shown for years was mild dysplasia. It was once they dug deeper with the LEEP that they found the cancer. It makes me wonder how long this has been like this. Anyway, I saw my Gyn Oncologist today whom essentially just wanted to know when I was available to have a hysterectomy. I feel the doctors have been so vague. He also gave me the option of a Trachelectomy if I still wanted more children. This is where I am struggling. Do I do the safest thing and have the hysterectomy or do I try for the Trachelectomy with a chance that cells could be left behind and no guarantee of safe pregnancy? Does anyone know more about this procedure? I have my surgery scheduled already, I just have to call and let him know which one within the week. I think in my heart I know what I should do. I am just so torn.

Is there a eden eternal private server?

hii just started playing Eden eternal and i want a highlevel so i was wondering there is a private server for the game? anyone know?

Oncologist... cancer?

My mom was sent to an oncologist. Does it mean she does have cancer? I'm very concerned. I will be going with her to the appointment, so I want to be well informed. What should she expect from the first appointment?

What is the name of a certain scientist who studies the origin of cancer and why cancerous cells form?

Please don't answer with "An Oncologist" because they study different ways on how to cure cancer, such as chemotherapy. I want to study the origin of cancerous cells, not how to get rid of them.

How wide can cars be in the uk?

As wide as practical I guess, though anything as wide as a lorry will not be able to use car parks or get through chicanes

What does enhancement mean in, "The 10mm lesion in the right aspect of the T3 vetebral body exhibits enhanceme?

I had breast cancer 6 years ago. Now we are wondering if it has returned in the spinal column, specifically at the T3 level. It could possibly be a hemangioma, but I dont get in to see an oncologist for over 2 more weeks and don't want to wait that long without at least knowing something more. Note to all, don't get cancer in the summertime when all the doctors are on vacation. what does it mean "exhibit enhancement".

Is it true that Catholicism teaches the first 11 chapters of Genesis as nothing but stories?

I heard this on R & S. That's news to me. Catholics please help me with this question. Someone said Catholics are taught that nothing in those chapters of the Bible is historical truth. They said Catholics do not believe in the Garden of Eden and what happened there. They said Catholics are taught that the theory of evolution is true. I want to know the truth of this from Catholics.

What football position?

i am 6 foot 150 pounds and 13 years of age. i run 40 4.66 and can bench press 220 pounds. i can throw a ball about 40 yards with tight spiral. i can catch most things that touch my hands. i think either rush linebacker/ defensive end, tight end, wide out, running back. any suggestions on wich ones

10.5 yr old Airedale has a rectal tumor. Chemo or not?

My 10 1/2 yr old female Airedale was diagnosed with a rectal tumor yesterday. It's the size of a quarter and is very close to her anus. She is constantly licking and seems like she's trying to poop out the tumor. The vet said that they can operate by doing a rectal pull, where they pull out the tumor through her anus and cut it out that way. There is a risk of permanent incontinence afterwards, but they say that the chances are small. There's a 50/50 chance of getting all the cancer cells and paired with chemo, there's a good chance that she'll fully recover (if there aren't any complications). The tumor is locally aggressive (meaning that it most likely won't spread to other organs) but will get bigger and bigger until she won't be able to poop anymore. The average lifespan of an Airedale is 11-12yrs, so the prognosis if we do surgery and chemo is probably a year (and who knows if she'll need a second round of chemo treatments). If we just put her on pain meds, prognosis is 4-6 months. I love her so much, but I don't want to put her through surgery AND chemo (we're looking at 4 months of chemo) and then go through a period of not-so-healthy times followed by maybe 2 or 3 months of semi-ok health followed by a fast decline of health for a month or two. They want to schedule her for surgery at the end of this week, but today she was out playing with our two other dogs (we have two of her pups from her litters) and we went for a nice walk around the block. I don't want to take these happy times away from her.... but I also don't want her to be in pain.... but I also don't want to cause so much physical stress on her just because I want to have her around for a few extra months longer. What do I do?? The surgeon phoned us today and made it seem that if we don't do surgery, we'd be doing her a great injustice by giving her 4-6 months of pain leading up to the tragedy of not pooping...... he said if it was his dog, he'd do the surgery in heartbeat (but he also doesn't have to shell out $5000+ for surgery) but our oncologist says that whatever decision we make will be the right one. I just don't want to be always asking, "what if". Help!!

Women who go to male gynecologists?

Male gynecologists are creepy, I always wonder why a guy would take that job. Never had a male gyno, never will.

What exactly does a Hematologist do?

Do they work in a lab and determine what you have through blood samples? Or do they work in a specific area? What exactly do you have to major in to become a Hematologist? Do they also become Oncologist too and how? Is this a long and hard career to get into?

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

okay, so i was outside sweeping away a sugar ant pile because they have been all over my house and my broom is always outside. so im guessing i got bit by something, i think a spider, hiding in the hole at the top where you can hang it somewhere. the bite is a small blister(just a little over a half an inch wide) and its red around the edges. please tell me what bug could have bitten me! i was bitten on my thumb 10 hours ago, now my whole arm is aching. please help): theres pain shooting up my arm!

What are your thoughts on my favorite baby names and BQ's? ?

Whitney Paige& Callie Rose are my favorites. By the way love the name Isabellle. Blakely Noelle is my least favorite sounds too boyish. Andrew Carson is my favorite & least favorite is Braden Chase. Although dont really like the name Chase Love the name Ryan. BQ#1: Chase Matthew. BQ#2:Michael BQ#3: Allen. Im bad with middle names. Sorry


I want to be an oncologist doctor. I am going for FULL IB diploma in high school. What classes should I take after high school? I need financial aid in college so whats a good medical oncology college that has good financial assistant? & What classes should I take in under grad college? & Then for my 4 years at a medical school what school should i go to? & what classes should i take? & what does it mean by 4 years of residency? Do I need to stay there for 4 or more years? Won't I do that while studying? & Is it a bad idea to get married while trying to become a pediatric oncologies in college?

Am I weird for knowing this?

I am only 14 years old but I am very, very excelled in my education. I am obsessed with college medical textbooks and can tell you all about the body and it's functions. I know how to perform medical examinations and heal deep wounds and know the right amount of medication a patient should have as a dosage. I love how to work with the body and know I can fix a problem. I want to be a Pediatric Oncologist and do data research on patients to cure them. I am made fun of for being like this but I have many friends who think it's amazing I can to this. Should I give up this dream?

I don't remember falling asleep, but I don't remember waking up?

If you did get abducted, you should have some sort of incision or burn mark that you do not even know about.

Is this weird during intercourse? need help?

It's not normal, but it's what you like to do and everyone has things they like when it comes to sex, so I see nothing wrong with what you do.

Eden Eternal how to drop items?

You could sell to any merchant, though some items are not sell-able. Press 'm' to pull up the map, and under the NPC drop-down list you can find a few merchants (armor, weapon, traveling, general, etc.) and you can auto-route there and sell your items. I'm also new to the game (just started playing a week ago) so I'm not sure if there's a way to discard items yet.. >.< I think there are ways to make more space for your backpack (in the beginning you receive one item that gives you 4 extra slots, you have to drag it and place it next to the backpack icon on the bottom of the backpack window, into one of those empty slots, and your backpack space will grow by 4).

How should I get my dad to give me a buzz cut?

ok im a 16 year old guy and i have longer hair combed forward. Its a pain in the @ss having long hair so i want to buzz it all off. but i look terrible with a buzz because i have a huge forehead, wide hairline, chubby face. but i dont really care about that though. But he wont give me one for that reason and even if someone else did it i would get in trouble. So what should i do?

What are your thoughts on my favorite baby names and BQ's?

Love your favorite names! Very modern and unique but not weird. Callie Rose is on my list too! I like Chase Tyler but maybe I'm biased because my sons name is Tyler ;) I like Kolton James or Kolton Patrick! Logan Peirce, Logan Jack, and Logan Caleb are nice!

Too much description, or does it set the scene?

It's great!It really makes you feel like you're there!Some parts could maybe be shortened, but overall it looks really good!:)

Name for a cake business?

Any suggestions on what to call a business making cakes - novelty, birthday, wedding ect. Would possibly like it to have my daughters name 'Eden' in it..

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I am looking into becoming a pediatric oncologist [not a nurse, a doctor]. I need help, i understand very little about the requirements right now. Im looking at a school and it has the course curriculum planned to get a BSN [bachelor of science in nursing], and i dont really know if that is what i need; i am talking about EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS FOR PEDIATRIC ONCOLOGISTS. i really need help! (Tell me what to major & minor in, what to get bachelor's degree in, how to get into medical school, what medical school & i will take it from there) PLEASE AND THANK YOU!

Anime suggestions? please, I'm out of ideas?

You also might want to look into Basilisk, Desert Punk, Ninja Scroll, Witch Blade, Bio Hunter, Twilight of The Dark Master.

Why do so many women make false rape accusations? Should there be a moratorium on all rape prosecutions?

until the justice system can find a way to address this wide-spread abuse and exploitation of the system?

Am I pretty? Rate out of ten please? Ways i could improve my appearance? teen female. photos included!?

You're really very pretty! Idk how can you not see yourself pretty at all and not have self-confidence on yourself. @_@ I really love your hairstyle too, and your body seems to be perfectly fine. So my rate is 10/10. 8D! My first 10/10 ratings ever, lol.

Can you have lymphoma with no symptoms?

Ok so 2009 I got a bump in the back of my neck and though maybe it was just an ingrown hair or something and went to the doctor they said yea maybe it was. Not really much help bt it went away after a month then like 3 months later i got one in my armpit again doctors said it could just be another ingrown hair again it went away after a month...then maybe june or july of 2010 i got a ball in my neck under my jaw about 3 or 4 cm & doctors explained to me about lymph nodes and said all the places those "ingrown hairs" were at we have them & i could just be getting a cold because that's how lymph nodes react and if it doesn't go away in 6 months go back well they NEVER went down & i started getting bad fever and night sweats & weight loss..i lost 10 pounds in 4 days!!! Well i got better and got a test for TB which came back negative then the one in my armpit came back and i have one on my groin area & now my lymph nodes hurt sometimes & i am going to an ETN & they did guided biopsy to take out tissue bt sm how didn't get enough...still no fever and im having surgery to get lymph node in my jaw taken out & tested & they re referring me to an oncologist..i just really want to know could this be cancer? Ive had most of the on tell the truth could it be?

In the garden of eden did god want pets?

Creating humans that didn't have the knowledge of good and evil/right and wrong--and then expecting that they will comprehend what he said about the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Whats up with that. He basically created adam and eve with no morality whatsoever (xtians say our morality comes from god) because it would take the knowledge of good and evil to understand right and wrong and behavior and consequences. Our morality came from the eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil--at the behest of the serprent. Assuming he knew this would occur--in actuality human morality if you take what genesis says at face value--our morality comes from Satan the serpent. God had basically created pets with no ability to understand.

Why is Denmark so racist!?

Everyone wants to be their own boss in Denmark. I know that much to about the unskilled worker thing.

This or that unusual names?

None. Sorry, they're all so blah. I'm all for unique names, but when you give your child one that is just weird- eh.

Need help with my writing.....?

So the mother has the kid? Or the large black man? And when the baby came out , they heard no screaming but the baby was alive? Also, Why didnt they give the baby to the mother? , Very good story but Explain a bit.

Did you know there's a shortage of drugs thanks to the FDA?

It's just a ploy to rip off more money from the average American. The drugs are all harmful anyway and should never have gotten to market.Try and find one man-made drug that doesn't have serious side-effects. They all do and most don't do anything but treat the symptoms of illnesses. NONE of them cure anything! The FDA is run by the former CEO's of various Big Pharm corporations, or the Big Pharm CEO's are recruited from the the FDA, it's all the same brand of deceit and it's all we have, shame.

Only getting 480p on my TV please help?

I bought a 55 inch Vizio HDTV and an HDMI cable and I have it set on Wide screen mode, however I cannot get the full 1080p it says I am only gettting 480p any insight on how to get the full is appreciated!

Is it safe/responsible for a woman to run around the neighborhood before sunrise?

just stay with 5:00 and dont have head phone in, leave these at home cause if someone trys to attack you , you wont even hear them coming up on you. be alert at all times , maybe get pepper spray too they have key chains with them Great for GIRLS. be safe!

Can Baking Soda Cure Cancer?

Aside from the fact that this is ridiculous you are actually discussing a PREVENTATIVE not a CURE. Obviously this doesn't make you point look too valid.

Why does my sick dog goes outside and looks at the house?

It sounds like he is preparing to die. Dogs do odd things when they are dying. I have had dogs die from cancer and they would do the same thing,stare. If I were you,I would skip the oncologist. Trying to keep the dog alive for a few more weeks while giving him chemicals that will make him feel worse,or having him die at the vet all alone, is not a good idea. If he is not eating, then he is saying he feels very bad. It would be a kindness for you to just take him to the vet and hold him as he is euthanized. The chances of a dog being cured of liver cancer are astronomical. He is in pain, he is nauseous and he can't tell you,and so he stares. He is telling you with his eyes to let him go.

What anime/manga would i like if ive seen/read the following:?

Are you sure you should be watching more anime and reading more manga before you finish all those that you've started? You're going to end up dropping most of those because you didn't give them all the attention they deserved.

How Do You Get Hair Like CeCe Jones in Shake It Up?

I really like curly and wavy hairstyles and I love how they do Bella Thorne's hair in "Shake It Up". I own a Revlon curling iron (but it's probably 3/4 of an inch wide) and a Remington straightening iron. I have straight brown hair and I don't have bangs like Bella. I usually part my hair on the left side, but not super far over. My hair doesn't always hold curls very well, so what can I do to hold curls and waves better? and what can I do with the very little hair styling stuff that I have? I just have your basic mousses and hairsprays.

Im pregnant with twins......10points!!?

Awww first of all CONGRATS :) Babies are precious hold them close! Second of all Good Luck! Your gonna need lots of help with twins. And lastly: Those names are precious!!!! :)

Help. I need advice on how to get away with outsmarting parents.?

Honesty is the best policy. When you figure out how to outsmart your parents please let me know how to do it.

How stressful is it being an oncologist?

Does it take its toll on you? How emotionally involved does it get? Does religion often interfere with yourself and your patients because I'm an atheist and I wouldn't want to make people uncomfortable. Also, is it all worth it because this field really does interest me so much.

What are some good Bible Verses for this situation?

Isaiah 41:13.  For I, Jehovah your God, am grasping your right hand, the One saying to you, ‘Do not be afraid. I myself will help you.’

Is it possible to have a boat to sit on top of your car if it width is wider than the car?

im planning on buying a tinnie which is 1.41 metres wide. the with of the standard roof racks is only 1.15. is it possible to sit the boat on top of the car. or will i need customized roof racks to sit the boat on the roof of the car.

How much money does a Oncologists make per year?How much college is needed to become one?

Im 14 years old and im thinking of becoming a Oncologists My grandma past away recently and it was because of cancer and oncologists study cancer and deadly diseases and i want to work in that type of field. So please answer my questions!

Whats a good anime to watch?

I have been recently watching Battle Girls - Time Paradox, Peace Maker and Reborn. All very good =) Also check out Samarai X if you get the time, its pretty old but awesome.

How to fall asleep after a long nap?

I came home from work today and was exhausted after working in the heat. It was hot out all day, and it's so hot in my house so I decided to take a nap, I fell asleep for 4-5 hours and now I'm wide awake. It's 10:30 here and I need to go to bed, but I'm not tired at all?

What toddlers and tiaras episodes have these girls?

Hey, if you ever find out what episodes they were in, be sure to look out for me creeping in the corner!

Why cant the humane society just give me my dogs back?

Well, sometimes they need proof. Do you have the paperwork for them? In some counties all over the US they require the papers to reclaim animals. It happened to me when my dog jumped into a neighbors open Corvette. My dog just wanted to go for a ride, no matter the cost!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How can I relax better during a pap smear? I'm a virgin.?

Try not to think about. If you masturbate try to think about the please you feel when you did. & stop thinking about what the gyn is doin to you down there!!

Why did the Lord refer to satan as a "serpent" in Genesis?

Because satan disguised himself as a serpent since serpents are the only creatures who satan , the idiotic fool who will die in the pit of fire and will burn and be destroyed , was able to decieve . Satan used to have emotions but through his own sin he became emotionless and UNABLE TO DO RIGHT . Satan is the epitome of evil . Feeling sorry for him is as ridiculous as feeling sorry for a disease . Yet you should feel sorry for bad people because caring about them is as justified and wonderful as caring for someone who has suffered a disease .

We are identical twins but doesn't look the same at time.And I want to look like identical twins.?

We are identical twins but somehow we doesn't look the same at time.I look wider but she look skinnier than me.I hate it when people compare me to my twins saying that I look bit fat than her.She have long hair while I have medium cut hair.It hurts me alot thinking of what people say about me.I go for diet this few days just to make sure I look like my twin because I don't want people to tease me.Can someone help me look real identical twin when I am an identical twin.

Does my friend sound like she has a problem?

I used to be friends with a 20 year old girl, let's call her Mary. We still talk and are nice to each other, but I say 'used to be' as I never see her in person anymore. We used to hang out every few days, go places, and take a bunch of pictures and videos together. She never had confidence, but she told me since seeing all those pictures, she never realized how ugly she was and she's now too embarrassed to go out. Well, it's been two years and she hasn't left her house since. She's not rich, but her family is middle class and apparently they're saving money to get her a bunch of surgeries. She told me she already had a chin implant, cheek implants, bleached her hair, filled her lips, and she's currently waiting on getting her eye slanting surgery and soon after she said she'll go to China to stretch her height. Oh, she also said she's getting a voice surgery to further lower her voice because she thinks she sounds too 'girly' (her voice is actually on the lower side). She promised me she'll see me after her eye slanting procedure and that for the time being she'll wear 8inch heels hidden under wide leg pants and force herself to talk in a lower pitch. The funny thing is she's not this silly vapid girl; she actually gets straight A's in university and is planning to get a PHD in Toxicology. Anyway, when I asked her long before why she just couldn't go out while she's waiting for her surgeries, she said she has too much pride to let herself be exposed and pitied as an ugly person. She tells me she doesn't even see family members anymore and I believe it! I forgot to mention she's changing both her first and last name. Whenever someone calls her by her name, she gets mad at them and says it's disgusting. She tells me her name just brings her back to the times when she was even uglier (her words) and a loser. She's half Russian on her mother's side and half Italian from her father's side. She said besides changing both her names into Russian, she's never going to tell anyone she's Italian. She tells me Italians are dirty, hairy, and obnoxious. Anyway, I'm a little hurt that I'm having to wait 2.5 years to see her, but she was always a good friend to me, so I have to forgive her for some of her flaws (I mean mental flaws, because she was always great physically).

Which Names Do You Like Best?

ALL the boys names are horrid, teen-mom names. The girl names are all a bit try-hard as well, but Scarlett is OK

My oncologist says that he cannot rule out multiple Myeloma unless I have a bone marrow biopsy.?

So far all of my blood work have been great. The only blood numbers that were off was a high IgE count. However I waited a month and my IgE level is still elevated in the two hundreds but it is lower than a test he found from 2009. I don't want to have the bone marrow biopsy but I do have a lot of pain that comes and goes throughout my body. After investigating this cancer it appears that the pain is consistent and usually does not come and go. However this is a neuropathy connected to this cancer that can cause pain similar to my symptoms. Any thoughts? I am tired of this ordeal and really don't want a BNB.

Should my 62yr old mother go through chemotheraphy?

My mom was diagnosed with stage3 colon cancer last month. She had an operation where part of her colon was removed, has a colostomy & currently 83lbs. My family is now in debate whether she'll have chemo or not. Mom can't decide on her own but she expressed her fear of having chemo. Her oncologist wants her to take oral chemo (Xelox) and gave us 15% survival statistic. We all know chemotherapy is pretty hard, its a race between curing her cancer or killing her immune system first before killing her cancer. So, I myself is really confused whether to chemo or look for alternatives. For now we only have homeopathy while we raise money for chemo if she decides to have it. If my mom didn't have major surgery & younger, I myself will influence her to have chemo for it's still the #1 option for any cancer. But I don't want to lose her that fast and knowing she'll be in a lot of pain. If I can only choose for her, I'd rather prolong her life w/o chemo but of course cancer will spread and she'll end up in pain if her other organs will be affected and it'll be too late to have chemo. Anyone who knows a senior citizen who had chemo and lived longer than 6mos? There are a lot of cancer survivors but can't find anyone close to my mom's situation. Pls pray for my mom, a miracle is badly needed.

Red cells ;; 5 times bigger than normal?

Ok here my question . I know someone who had been told today ; that her red cells are 5 times bigger than the normal Her ONcologist also told her that she would have a hip biopsy What kind of cancer ;; if its cancer Thanks

Summer reading list opinions?

Brave new world was a comical sequel to the Tempest. The Hunchback of N A, was a paradoxical fable of an unrequited frog, who should not have become human. The Last of the Mohicans, was a tale of Revenge and Rebellion by a mixed and fictitious tribe with funny hairdo's. Albert's Plague was a morbid fantasy about the unknown masters of France who lived in the catacombs. Hermans Sid', was all about the latterday afdventures of King Arthur who fell asleep under a tree and went bald.

What are the fringe benefits of an oncologist?

Benefits would vary from place to place. If they worked at a large university affiliated hospital, they might get reduced tuition at the university are heavily discounted insurance. The benefits might be less if the doctor works at a small, private oncology practice. Your example about the dental office seems common, I know a hygienist who basically gets free care and whitenings.

WDTY of these girls names?

Out of those choices I like Eden Grace the most! My least favorite is Rowan Izabella because i wouldn't spell Izabella like that I would spell it with an "s". But Eden Grace is just so peaceful and beautiful. I would choose that. Good luck and hope I helped<3

How do I treat an absess until I can get the vet to come out?

Soak animalintex or human wound dressing (lint) in warm saline solution and bandage on - the hot poultice helps draw the infection out. If you don't have the lint, use a bag of warm bran or oats. You can fold the poultice material in any clean material - a new j-cloth or clean dish towel. Test the temp of the poultice - if you find it so warm so will your horse.

Im Pregnant!?........PLEASE READ?

I have a baby girl(Elissa Skye Eden Allen). She was born March11th 2011.She is 3months 6days old. I found out friday that I am pregnant. The doctor said im about 3 1/2 weeks along. I had sex on the 7th,12th,&19th. If I have a boy I like the names- Bleyton Isiah Jackson,Charles Jacob or Cody Benjamin. If I have a girl I like Anna Reese or Avah Brooke. When should I be due? What are ur opinions on names? What would u name the child if u were me?

Is the drug Neulasta (pegrilgrastim) ever used during chemotherapy for Hodgkin Disease?

Im a little intimidated by my wives oncologist so I didn't press WHY Neulasta is not used for neutropenia when associated with Hodgkins Disease. I think it is due to the sky high wbc counts she had prior to chemo (15,000+). Is it that Neulasta would "restart the fire?" Is it never used? Or is it a last resort?

A bump on the left side of my neck?

I have a weird bump on the left side of my neck. its right under my jaw... on my neck... a inch and a half from my ear. The size is about from the tip of my index finger to the middle crease in my index finger. u cant see it... but if u feel that part of my neck its OBVIOUS that there is a wide bump... and it doesn't hurt. i don't even notice it unless i touch that part of my neck.

He said this and idk if its good or bad?

when my bf saw me naked for the first time he said i had wide nipples. i didn't ask wat that meant at the tim but what does that mean? is it good? is it bad?

Doctors knew i had cancer but would not diagnosis, what to do?

To make a long story short I went to 3 different hospital and to primary care doctor with a very large mass on left side of neck. Let them all know I was having problems breathing and also there was a very strong family history of cancer in my family mainly females ( my mom died of cancer at age 47 and I was 46 at the time). They all did a ct scan and my pcp sent me to see a general surgeon to do a biopsy, which he refused to do in the mean time the mass was getting larger. Everyone would tell me the think I have lymphoma but know one would do anything about it. The doctors kept swapping me around to different doctors like a foster child and the doctors they would send me to had nothing to do with my problem. After going thru phone book calling any and everybody trying to get help (I had no insurance or job) I could not get anyone to help me. Went to one hospital er because I was having problem breathing and my blood pressure wasextremelyy high, this er doctor told me "we don't treat people here for free you need to go to county hospital". I was at the point of giving up when one of the nurses told me to go to health dept and talk to them which probably saved my life. I talked to director of bridges to care who sent me to see a oncologist who ran test, did biopsy and found out I have Hodgkin's Lymphoma and he believed it was going into 3rd stage. I just finished my chemo and starting radiation therapy monday. I would like to know if I could sue the 3 hospital and doctors who put me thru a lot of frustration, depression, and thinking I was dying. If I had not went to bridges to care I would probably be dead by now because hodgkins is a blood cancer which is in lymnodes and mine was spreading in other places besides my neck, also the mass in my neck was so big it was wrapping around my main artery in both sides of my neck.

What to expect from stage 4 breast cancer?

It would be far better is she received Hospice Care when they give her the final word. There is no reason for her to die in pain, and for you to have to watch it. Let hospice take over.

Isn't it a wondeful breakthrough that Christians will be able to go to church as naked as God intended them to?

Clothing is sinful, why should people be ashamed of the bodies God has given them? If it wasn't illegal by the laws of men to be naked in public and criticized by society I would prefer not to wear clothing as God intended.

Can you have lymphoma with no symptoms?

Ok so 2009 I got a bump in the back of my neck and though maybe it was just an ingrown hair or something and went to the doctor they said yea maybe it was. Not really much help bt it went away after a month then like 3 months later i got one in my armpit again doctors said it could just be another ingrown hair again it went away after a month...then maybe june or july of 2010 i got a ball in my neck under my jaw about 3 or 4 cm & doctors explained to me about lymph nodes and said all the places those "ingrown hairs" were at we have them & i could just be getting a cold because that's how lymph nodes react and if it doesn't go away in 6 months go back well they NEVER went down & i started getting bad fever and night sweats & weight loss..i lost 10 pounds in 4 days!!! Well i got better and got a test for TB which came back negative then the one in my armpit came back and i have one on my groin area & now my lymph nodes hurt sometimes & i am going to an ETN & they did guided biopsy to take out tissue bt sm how didn't get enough...still no fever and im having surgery to get lymph node in my jaw taken out & tested & they re referring me to an oncologist..i just really want to know could this be cancer? Ive had most of the on tell the truth could it be?

Wdyt of these twin names (B&G)?

I like Alexander William Henry and Eden Florence Imogen, although I would personally only have one middle name, but whichever names you choose will be good, they are all nice.

How many hours a week do radiologists work?

I'm in high school and I know I want to be a doctor. I'm just thinking about different specialties that I might be interested in. Right now I'm thinking either radiology or oncology. How many hours per week do oncologists work? Thank you.

Hair extensions, help?

Today I bought a pack of black hair extensions from Sally Beauty Supply. They are 8'' inches long and a few feet wide (intended for cutting into separate pieces) but i compared them to my actual hair and they are the same size? At the store inside of the pack they looked a lot longer but I was wrong. Is there any way I can make them longer using the rest of the hair or do I have to buy a longer pack? Thank you for your time.

Why would god give us and other animals incisor teeth. if we had meant to be in eden forever?

Incisors are for shearing/cutting food. This is used mainly for plants, grains, etc. They actually provide little to no use for eating flesh/meat because in order to eat it, it has to be torn for the body. That's what canines are for. I'm not defending the story, I'm just pointing out that your question should pertain to canine teeth, not incisors.

Is it legal for the only Oncologist in the county to deny you service after being an ongoing patient for years?

My mom has had cancer for almost 10 years...she has beaten 5 different types and is now suffering from lung and liver cancer. Her doctor gave her a 30 day notice this past week saying that he will not treat her anymore after 30 days. Siting inappropriate outburts and refusing consultation as grounds. My mom said she was at the emergency room all of Thursday with severe stomach cramps, this is how she found out she had colon caner about 10 years ago. Well she had a Chemotherapy infusion on Friday and that takes about an hour and the doctor was supposed to come down and talk to her, well after waiting 4 hours she said "i just want to get the f*** out of here" not angrily just out of frustration to the nurse the nurse said "I completely understand you were here most of yesterday as well!" so she tried the doctor again and got no response so my mom left. Well my mom got a call from the doctor's head nurse about 3 hours later and she told my mom she had to come pick up her records and explained that my mom had 30 more days of treatment there and she needed to find another oncologist. My mom is well below the poverty level for income...the state wouldn't let her get disability because she beats a cancer then gets a new one but with little to no downtime between the outbreaks. Her sole income is from social security and she had to fight to get that. She can not work since she has chemo and radiation therapy multiple times a week. She also just lost her house where she lived for 20+ years. I've tried looking at the Code of conduct and some of the legal guideline but its extremely difficult to find what im looking for, and I am not versed in "legalese" so most of it makes little sense to me. So I turn to you Yahoo answers community to help me out...any help is desperately needed and would be greatly appreciated!

Is eden of the east movie 2:paradise lost in English?

ive been trying to see eden of the east movie 2 paradise lost in english but i cant seem to find it and if it is in english please tell me the website...thnx : )

My teacher found me purging (I'm bulimic) oh god help please!?

See this as an opportunity to get some help. You can't keep doing what you're doing, it will kill you.

Should I be getting Ovarian Cysts at my age?

I am 53, menopausal with no cervix or uterus but still have my ovaries. I've had a right ovarian cyst now for 2+ years that the GYN is watching closely. Recently, the ultrasound showed a size 4.5 cyst and more (small) cysts are showing up not only on my right ovary but on my left as well. I've been referred to a GYN/Oncologist based on the Ultrasound I had 2 weeks ago. My question is how am I getting these when I haven't ovulated in over 10 years and why did my GYN wait so long. Also, right about the time the cyst first showed up my stomach has grown to a size that makes me look pregnant. Could this be related to the cyst?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How long does it take to become a medical oncologist in the Philippines?

I'm gonna graduate high school this school year. and i want to become a medical oncologist but i don't know what courses to take and how long it would take me to become a medical oncologist. soooooo anyone who could answer me?

Can you "try on" Jordan Retros at the store?

Like for example when it is released at a store such as footlocker, are you able to try them on before buying or can you not? Because I've never bought Jordans before and want to know the fitting for my wide foot.. Thanks

International student in US without insurance with tumor?

If he can survive the airplane flight, the best thing to do would be to go back to his home country for treatment. Medical treatment in the U.S. costs twice as much as in the rest of the world.

What is the cheapest energy source today?

I was under the impression that Nuclear power was the cheapest, but I get a wide range of numbers with each website I look up, especially if they are specifically trying to push a certain energy source. How does nuclear compare to solar thermal?

How can i be sure this is for me?

I'm 14. I've been thinking about what career I want to have when i'm older. Being a Doctor sounds like a really fun career getting to possibly save lives. I also am really interested in my biology and science classes at my middle school. I already know that med school is not for the weak and takes up to 8 years after highschool to be able to really practice medicine. I am also aware of the student loans that take an average of 7 years to pay off. What I want to know is there anyway I would be able to just see what its like to be a full fledged doctor now so I can see if this is right for me. I want the real truth not the house or grey's anatomy version of being a doctor. I probably would want to be either a pediatrician or an oncologist if that helps. Ive been searching google for hours a night since about two weeks ago trying to find this out. I will give ten points to best answer. Personal expirience would be nice too.

Suspicions of cancer...valid life insurance before final diagnosis?

Most well paying jobs also come with health and life insurance options. Other than that, he's already on the way to diagnosis, so no, that ball is already rolling. Plus there's normally a waiting period to cover these kinds of situations...

How do I make my breasts bigger? ?

well since you're only 14 your breast will keep growing till you're 18 or 19 and usually if yuo gain 10 pounds you will go up a cup size, if youre skinny the you can afford to gain 10 puonds ang guys doint like skinny girls trust me they like thicker bodies trust me im 21 and a size 5 and guys love my body=)

Angles of a parabolic mirror?

i am trying to build a 2m wide parabolic mirror. i need some formula for working out the focal point. if you could also explain how to use the formula that would be great ans save me a lot of Research

What is the best strand of science for a high school student wanting to become an oncologist?

I'm a grade nine student looking to get into medicine; more specifically oncology. My school offers physics, biology and chemistry and I'm pretty good at all three. I was wondering what classes would be the best to take for University if I do want to get into medicine.Anyone know?

Why do people seem to forget their brains when they get in their car/truck?

Oh my gosh I feel your pain. These same idiots reply when I told them to their face: "Don't be in such a hurry. Enjoy the view." I was like....really? Enjoy the stop light when I could turn right on red? No thanks. I would rather get to where I am going so I can contribute to society rather than piss people off.

Eden Eternal: Summon Tiger past Lv 1?

My younger brother is currently playing as a Hunter on Eden Eternal, and as he levels the skill Summon: Tiger, he finds that it only increases in MP cost. Is there any point to leveling it past Level 1 or does it only make it worse? (There are many skills that do this, after all.)

Help me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

okay, so i was outside sweeping away a sugar ant pile because they have been all over my house and my broom is always outside. so im guessing i got bit by something, i think a spider, hiding in the hole at the top where you can hang it somewhere. the bite is a small blister(just a little over a half an inch wide) and its red around the edges. please tell me what bug could have bitten me! i was bitten on my thumb 10 hours ago, now my whole arm is aching. please help):

I dont know what to do about college ... ?

I'm going to Nassau Community College for 2 years, I want to become an oncologist but there isn't any classes for medicine, what classes should I take? :( pleasee help me !

Where should I spend my 21st birthday? (Las Vegas, New Orleans or Miami)?

Okay, just to give you a little more detail. I will be turning 21 in May of 2012. Im an African American female student at Penn State and my friends (about 4-8 other females) and I like a wide range of music. House, Hip Hop, Rock and John Mayer-y type of music suits us (As far as clubs go). We are mostly on a tight budget (Luckily our hotel is paid for) So I'm looking for a place that offers a variety of things to do at affordable prices and also is pretty easy to get around (i.e. Public Trans or Most things in walkable or taxi-able distance) I don't drink but my friends do, So affordable drinks would be great also :) Thank you!!

Eden Eternal, Trait Maverick : Class Engineer?

Maverick is fine. It focuses on speed and agility, which is a common staple for hunters. You'll have to be a hunter first before you are able to become an engineer.

A film you had to turn off?

Because it was so hard to watch e.g my friend had to turn off The Last House On The Left and I almost turned off Eden Lake, just because they're plain not nice movies. Any other movies like that? And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't say crap movies like The Omen or Orphan or The Exorcist because movies like that are SO boring

Fundamentalist Christians. Do you believe that adulterers should be stoned to death as punishment.?

It's in the old testament. You believe other old testament stories - Noa, the garden of eden, creation in six days, the story of Jericho. Many others as you know. So if these other Old testament stories are truth because they're in the old testament. Then wouldn't the death by stoning also be correct for the same reason.

Is there anywhere I can buy a scorpion watch, (not the scorpion brand) that I don't have to order from china?

I am looking for a watch that has a scorpion on the face or wristband, wide leather wristband, with snaps, that I dont have to order from a company in china. Every single one I have found come directly from china and I have to wait 2-3 weeks for delivery. Does anyone know of any companies or stores here in the U.S. that I can order or buy from, please help!

Pediatric oncologist or live sound engineerer?

I love music with a passion and live sound engineering kida cought my attention and it seemed like a fun job. On the other hand I've always wanted a nice house, nice car, and be able to live comfortable (economically) and my sister had cancer so becoming a pediatric oncologist cought my attention too. Which one do you think is better?

My wifes Dr. refuses to treat her anymore...whos right?

Any patient who hid her drug use from her psychiatrist for eight years has, in effect, refused to cooperate with her psychiatrist over that time. Doctors do have the right to refuse to treat patients who are unwilling to participate in their own treatment.

Eden Eternal Game help?

Hi the version is 100 200 02 10 and from the videos the game is cool...But if i try to enter its like all loaded the character moves all works perfect but the screen is very white I can't see , but not good can you guys help me?I went on settings i putt all 0 but it was still very white help.(excuse my wrong spelling)

I have a question for an oncologist or dermatologist....?

I got sunburned a lot as a kid too. I also got sun poisoning 5 times. I have had many a mole removed off of me, and have them all over my body. I think you are over reacting. If it is Black or Blue than you may or may NOT Have something to worry about. My father has a 3 MM one on his face, and it is cancer free. It was black, and it was lumpy. I am SURE You are fine.

Pediatric oncologist + a family?

i REALLY want to be a pediatric oncologist but I dont want to be one if I am on call 24/7 and cant do anything but be stuck in a hospital. I wont be working in my own private office but with a hospital like St. Jude or something similar. Would I still be on call 24 hours a day or will someone else be there during the night or something? I really want t o help kids fight cancer but I also want a husband and kids and a life of my own along with it. but is it possible? thnx!

What Do You Guys Think?

Okay, so I'm a sophomore in high school and i will be majoring in photography, i love photography, i always get compliments on my work and even my teacher nominated me to do Skills-USA; a competition for all technical/vocational schools in the nation to have an individual compete in the finals against the best of the country. But, I don't want to be a photographer when i grow up, I want to be a pediatric neurologist or a pediatric oncologist. The medical field is vastly interesting to me. In my school there's also a major called "allied health". it's a subject orientated for kids whom want to pursue in the medical field. People always say "oh why didn't you pick allied health if you want to be a doctor?". I have a plan though, i choose photography to major in because i know i would have to do possibly 12 years of college/med school/studies/residences, and thats going to be a lot of money. So i plan to have my own commercial photography business(i actually have my own business right now but it's just starting up) while im in college so i can save up money to pay off tuition/living cost, etc. I have the biggest of interest to be a doctor for kids, I really want to make a difference for them. Don't get me wrong i love photography with a passion but i dont see myself being completely happy with that profession. So do you guys think it was a smart idea to pick photography to major in high school, i know i have what it takes to succeed as a doctor, im greatly motivated.

Christians: Do you fully understand the what happened in the Garden of Eden?

meaning do you understand the significance of the results of their actions and why it effected the world after is so much?

What is a T4 and T3 test used for in a patient with no thyroid?

I was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer in 2007, the doctors took out my thyroid and then treated me with an I-131 radiation treatment, in december of 2007. After that my TSH was all over the map. In 2009 having random blood test my thyroglobulin level was increasing and my TSH was decreasing again my oncologist felt that another dose of the I-131 radiation treatment was the way to go. now two years later i have been having some of the same symptom as before: extreme fatigue, out of control body temperature, sore throat, ear aches, thought process is not there.... etc

How to react with hurt comments from boyfriends mother?

It's hurtful, but I don't think she's trying to be mean. She's probably too dumb to realize it. Tell her how you feel..

My Jaw keeps poping every time i open it, There is no Pain & it wont open wide at all! do i have TMJ?

It Comes And Goes But, i Am Only 14 & its been going on since january what is going on it only comes about once a month& last for a day or two?

I wanna go to med. school, but I'm not sure is diagnostics there as a special part of medicine ?

So, I wanna be a diagnostician, is there a part of med school special for that ( like for pediatrics, oncologists etc. ).

Monday, August 8, 2011

Can u share on Lung cancer stage CT3N2M1?

My friend father is taking treatment from last 8 month..his age is 62..DR.has diagnosed as ct3n2m1 stage..he is not a smoker and drunkard ...but affected by he has taken 6 chemotherapy going hospital monthly once for check up..can anyone share on his stage who know abt it..(oncologist also)

For people of have seen Higashi no Eden?

i just finished the last movie and was wondering how you call this a romance. she spend 11 days with the guy and they continually got separated for months at a time. then every time he said he would come back for her he didn't. i mean wtf. what are your thoughts

Health Brand food names?

Hey! I'm a vegetarian (and a health nut :P). I'm hugely into Eden Foods, Food of Life, Amy's, Ruth's Hemp Food, etc. I was wondering if you knew any other good health food brand names available in Canada. Thanks :)

What should i do? Med or Law School?

I'm kind of torn. My parents are both in one of the fields and I have an interest in them. All my parents care about is, well, my father cares about how much money I make (he thinks I should be a lawyer) and my mom just wants me to be happy but deep inside she want me to be a doctor. And not only my parents but I actually have a love for both careers. I love helping people (ever since I was little) and I adore kids so I would really like to be a Pediatric Oncologist. And I love law, it's like I get an adrenaline rush when I hear about criminals and court cases, I want to be a criminal lawyer. I'm so confused, I wish I could do both, and I could but not at the same time and I just want to know that 20 years from now i'll be entirely happy with my decision. I don't care about how much debt i'm in or how long it takes I just want to do it. How do I choose? I want something that makes good money, but I want to be satisfied. I know i'll excell in both because i'm naturally good at science, math, reading, writing, and working under preassure. Help!

If you make a b in middle school will it effect your career in the future?

If you make a b in middle school will it effect your career in the future? I want to become a doctor like a pediatrician or an oncologist and i made a b in my 7th grade science class.

How should I get my dad to give me a buzz cut?

ok im a 16 year old guy and i have longer hair combed forward. Its a pain in the @ss having long hair so i want to buzz it all off. but i look terrible with a buzz because i have a huge forehead, wide hairline, chubby face. but i dont really care about that though. But he wont give me one for that reason and even if someone else did it i would get in trouble. So what should i do?

If i want to become an oncologist do i have to perform surgery?

i want to become an oncologist but i really dont wanna perform surgery. i want to detect it and maybe perform radiation therapy/chemo but not surgery. HELP!!

Boy and girl baby name help!?

I love "W" boys names and Whitney is cute but Winifred?? Winnie is cute so they could just go with Winnie. Other W names for girls I would recommend would be Wanda, Wendy, Willow or Wynona. Anything is better than Winifred lol. "G" middle names for girls: Grace, Gretchen, Gail, Georgia, and Ginger.

Do i honestly need a sponge filter?

everyone keeps saying i need one( patricularly one... yeah you! your always griping and groaning about it) but do i really need one? first off, i have this one plastic thing on the filter and the openings on it are about a centimeter wide and none of my fish are going to get caught into that. why would i need a sponge filter then? should i just keep the 3 bucks in my pocket?

DENISE, need your advice on cancer question.?

OK, I'm not an expert as you know. However, being a survivor of 2 cancers, I have to tell you, this is scaring. Mind you, I'm seeing my Oncologist tomorrow. Yesterday, out of the blue there appeared on my abdomen, a rather large hematoma and in the center is a golf ball size mass. Of course, with our family it's freak out time. Have you seen this? I don't recall any of the patients I took care of having this type of symptoms or sign. No, I didn't bang into anything nor fall. Be honest Denise with your old friend. I wouldn't mind if Spreedog helped either. Thanks anyone and everyone.

When someone loses a large amount of weight would they look unrecognizable?

It would only be noticeable around the cheeks and chin.. the size of your eyes, nose and mouth don't change no matter how many pounds you lose.

I think i have leukemia at 21?

diabetes causes kidney problems, fatigue, dizziness, bad circulation (cold feeling) and other problems. avoid sugar and high amounts of carbohydrates. get tested, it's the only way you will know.

Large, red, and itchy spot on the inside of my right leg, next to my knee.?

Ok, here is what happened. About 2 weeks ago my boyfriend and I were having sex and he drug his teeth across the spot where the rash is now. A little bit later that night I noticed there was a red line, about 2 inches long by 1/2 inch wide where he bit me, I wasn't too worried about it then thinking it was just red. But now the area has grown to about 2 inches in diameter into a nice red, itchy circle. The center area has a few raised bumps that are now flaking and Very, Very itchy. Before then there was no problem with my skin in that area at all. He is my 1st and only and I am his 1st and only. Can anyone help me?

I cant go to sleep!!?

Ever since I started work about two weeks ago, I can't sleep. I've been falling asleep past 2 every night. Idk what it is. I feel really tired and worn out after work. But then when I hot to bed I feel wide awake and I can't go to sleep. What's wrong???

Is it possible that I have leukemia?

My doctor did some routine blood work and found out that my platelets were low as well as my white cell count. He has referred me to a hematologist/oncologist. My other symptoms are enlarged thyroid, palpable breast lump, irregular and extremely heavy periods, feeling tired, easily bruised, hot flashes...

Dr.brown wide neck nipple vs. tommie tippie sensitive tummy bottles?

Im going to breastfeed and I only plan to bottle feed when Im not around or when its dads turn and I was planning to go with tommie tippie because I thought they were the most similar thing to the nipple. BUT I just found out that dr.brown makes a wide-neck nipple that's good for breastfeeding and my stepmom who has a 1year old and SWEARS by them so I don't know which one to choose from...The dad has a son from a previous relationship, that baby had really bad stomach issues and the dad has really bad acid relfex his whole life. Im taking precautions now to prevent issues for the baby..not eating spicy foods and whatnot..But I have full intentions on using a sensitive tummy bottle.

What is the best course of action for breast cancer treatment?

The visit to the Oncologist comes AFTER the Surgery. That is when they will take the next step. Yes, it is a warranted course of treatment, and next will either come radiation or chemo, or both. Your mom's health is more important than losing a breast. If she is not satisfied with her general surgeon, she should get a second opinion. I saw two of them before I chose mine.

Wrote this, any good?

Ok, i have one thing to say and thats: WHY'DJA STOP?!?!? This is ah-mazin! You are truely talented! I want to read more this very second!!! Fantastic job :D

Which profession allows more time for family- Doctor(Oncologist or OB/GYN) or nurse?

I'm 17 and thinking about what I'm going to major in in college. I really want to be a doctor but I also want to be a wife and a mom someday and want to have adequate time for family.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

HELP can't take the cat to the vet unless I know for sure he needs to go.?

He is a neutered male about 8 or 9 years old in perfect health, had a physical about two months ago and is fine, no health conditions, no medications. Just now I discovered a patch on the inside of his foreleg that is completely hairless, about an inch and a half long and about three quarters of an inch wide. The skin looks normal, pink and healthy, just no hair at all. I touched and pressed it and it doesn't give him any pain, he doesn't react at all and he's acting normally. No zits on the patch of skin, no scars, no anything. What could it be? He doesn't scratch, has no fleas, is an indoor cat only, doesn't wear a flea collar, anything. Does anybody know what this could be?

My family dr took pressure in the arm that had nodes removed from lumpectomy. i said no and he proceeded?

my oncologist said do not allow this arm for blood pressure to be taken my gp said its an old wives tale. True or false?

Hair extensions, help?

Today I bought a pack of black hair extensions from Sally Beauty Supply. They are 8'' inches long and a few feet wide (intended for cutting into separate pieces) but i compared them to my actual hair and they are the same size? At the store inside of the pack they looked a lot longer but I was wrong. Is there any way I can make them longer using the rest of the hair or do I have to buy a longer pack? Thank you for your time.

What do you take in university to become a pediatric oncologist?

There is a specific list of Pre Med subjects required for all Medical Schools which include sciences and math. You could major in anything as long as you take these subjects and get a very high MCAT sore.

What if Adam and Eve had forced the Serpent to eat the Apple instead?

What if the Serpent entered the Garden of Eden, but as it was tempting Eve, Adam found them both, and, being freaked out that an animal is talking to his wife, persuaded Eve to help him kill the Serpent? And, say, what if, after a long physical battle between the two humans and the snake, including much casting of rocks, Adam and Eve at last overpower the Serpent and force it on pain of death to eat all the Apples from the Tree of Knowledge, to prevent it from tempting them ever again?

In Eden of the East. What are those zombie things in episode 8?

At the start of episode 8 you see kuroha ripping apart some white zombie thing and akira is yelling at her to stop killing it. I want to know what it is.

Why r my hips and butt kinda big?

i am 13 yrs old and 100 lbs and i was wondering why my hips r kinda wide...if i lose weight then will my hips be back to normal?

Which name do you like best out of these 5 girl names?

Eden Sophia is lovey, as are several others...but my favorite would have to be Heidi Evangeline. it's different. uncommon and quite lovely.

How can I become a doctor?

Whats it like being a doctor? I want to be one when I grow up, I'm a junior right now and am taking anatomy next yr. I heard it is best in college If you major in Biology or some sort of science because it will help you in med school. But I also heard that you dont have to major in a just have to take the premed courses and it would be ok. I don't want to major in a science tho. I like psychology but I don't want to be a psychiatrist! I want to be a pediatric oncologist or neonatologist... :) I love kids! It makes me sad when I see little kids injured/sick and I would like to help them get better.

What is an ENT Doctor? My Physician wants to send me to one? Please help!?

I am 20 and I had found a lump/ swollen painless lymph node on the left side of my neck 4 months ago and went to the doctor this week Monday. My doc put me on a course of antibiotics, Doc took blood test on Monday, I got a chest X-ray Tuesday waiting for results, and doctor wants to see me back in 2 weeks to check lump on the left side of my neck. Plus I came down with a cold or flu or whatever that is now causing me to cough, have a congested nose, sneeze, and a sore throat the same day I went to doctor to check 4 mon. lump in my neck which is smaller than a dime. Anyway My doctor said if the lump doesn't go away he's going to send me to an ENT doctor to get a biopsy. Is an ENT doctor an oncologist? What does an ENT doctor do? What should I expect from an ENT doctor IF i have to go to one in case my lymph node doesn't go down?

Where can I find copy and paste symbols?

Hmm....good question. How about browsing around anime-based forums and seeing what people have in their sigs? Or try deviantart. They have a lot of people with really great sigs. Other than that, you'd have to make em yourself :L

What is the worst and best book to film adaption?

The only one I know and love is "Tres metros sobre el cielo" (Spanish version of the movie) . The movie is greeeat!!!

Does this sound like a puppy scam to you?

have you been living under a rock? this is one of the oldest scams in the book. I'm surprised that they are still trying it- surely everyone knows about this by now.

Good anime suggestions anyone?

love hina, when they cry, law of ueki, paradise kiss, soul eater, sekirei, devil may cry,corpse princess, nabari no ou, hetalia:axis powers, kaze no stigma, MAR, gunslinger girl, blood:last vamp, girls bravo, ghost hound, tokyo majin, hell girl, negimai, linebarrels of iron, witchblade, my santa, black cat , ghost train, prince of tennis, Tsubasa, Inuyasha, ruroni kenshin, Zombie loan, One piece, Mushi shi, Full metal panic, Full moon sagashite, Sand chronicles, Loveless, Mugen spiral, Chibi Vampire, Labyrinth, Samurai Deeper, Samurai X, Samurai 7,moon phase, claymore,Vampire knight, Fruits basket, Skip beat, Fushigi yuugi, DNAngel, code geass, kekkaishi,Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, Elfen Lied, ghost hound, high school of the dead, case closed,TMNT, Fist of the north star, Gungrave, Berserk,The steel refining,crepesculeMagic JinShu directory magic, science, super ability, succedent houses Super scientific electromagnetic cannon science, super ability, lily Arms race, Kimi ni todoke, code geass, nabari no ou, angel beats, Absolut boyfriend,peach girl, soul eater, Bakuman, hellsing, Devil May cry, shaman king, blood +, eden of the east, highscool rumble, , spice and wolf, astro boy, dororo, The All New Tenchi Muyo!, Dragonball Z, Woman In The Man , Nisekoi , M�r Omega, M�r, A.K.A M�rchen Awakens Romance, Mar-Heaven, Marchen Awakens Romance, M�r-Heaven,, Addicted to Curry , clannad, eden of the east, d- gray man, History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi Manga , Bleach, Avatar, Full metal Alchemist, death note, ranma 1/2

My husband and my sister?

My husband is an oncologist physician (cancer doctor) and he has been a good part of my personal family (growing up without parents and siblings, my mom and dad see him as kind of their son). He is a very nice man and has done a lot of contributions and research to cancer without taking any money. He has done checkups for my parents for free. However, my sister has asked to receive a gynecological exam for cancer, and a week from that other checkup he will give her a mammogram and do some bloodwork to detect cancer as it runs in our family. My husband has never cheated and is very religious. However, I feel a bit tense of him physically checking my sister (especially the vagina and breasts). There will be other nurses in the room though. I get a little insecure sometimes when I also see him with other female doctors at the hospital where we work in (I'm a nurse). Our family goes to him for cancer checkups frequently as he is a world acknowledged physician and is one of the best in the nation, so they wouldn't have anyone else. Plus, obviously my parents and sister know him as he is my husband. Am I taking this too far? Is it normal that I feel a little agitated about this? No one in my family has brought it up, and they're okay with it...your thoughts?

Today i get radio active iodine - for thyroid cancer?

Nothing is green when you are radioactive, you look like your normal self. I'm bet you are so happy to be done with the low iodine diet. Good luck with everything and the scans.

USAF and US Navy warplanes still flying Libya missions?

Politicians always disguise the truth with clever talking and double-meanibgs (see Bush's 2003 Mission Accomplished!). Personally, i feel that since we put those people in that position and supported Gadahfi that getting rid of him is the least we can do

Is being a doctor fun?

I want to be a doctor when I grow up, I'm a junior in hs right now and I'm taking Anatomy next year to make site that's what I want to do. I'm not a huge fan of Chemistry but Biology was ok. And I don't like physics. How long does it take to become a pediatric oncologist?

If i do leg excersices will my ... ?

if i do alot of squats, running, lunges, glutes &mat pilates 3 times a day for about an hour or 2 , will my thighs get bigger/wider fast ? what about my hips & buttocks ? how long will it take to see results ?

I dont know what to do about college ... ?

I'm going to Nassau Community College for 2 years, I want to become an oncologist but there isn't any classes for medicine, what classes should I take? :( pleasee help me !

Having watched how John Cena has really not proved himself as champ?

i really respect john. he doesnt turn down a match. And he has always been loyal to us and his fans. try giving him a chance.

What is the best collage to go to if you want become a pediatric oncologist nurse?

I will be going into high school next year and I am planning early. I already know what I have to take, I just don't know what is the best college to go to if I want to be a Pediatric Oncologist nurse. I would like to go some where close to Oklahoma, but if there is a good college some where away that will be okay. Please Help. Thank you

What would u think if a guy acts like this to you?Honest answers pleaseeee:)?

I think he might like you... but I am wondering what was on the blog. If he said "You could trick youself by thinking that it's me confessing my feelings to you via the world wide web" maybe there was something on there to hint to you that he liked you? Not sure. Hang out with him and see! Also him asking who you went to a club with, sounds like he might've been jealous.

What do I need to do to become a doctor?

I am in high school and am looking at colleges and I would like to be either a doctor or an agricultural manager. I will ask a separate question about agriculture, but for being a doctor, can someone give me detailed information as to what I need to take in college to get into medical school, how long I need to be a resident or intern, and how long it takes before I can start my own practice. I would like to be either an oncologist or a general surgeon. I love science and love to do service and help people. So basically, tell me what I need to do (or what most doctors do) until I can start my own practice. Thanks.

Am i the only one who hates strapless bikinis?

i see so many of them in stores now and when i try on one, it manages to make me look like i have man shoulders. they also make my boobs look wide and saggy. is anybody else excited for this trend to be over???

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Is it normal to masturbate to myself?

Is it normal to look at myself in the mirror while I finger myself? I like to make sexy faces with my legs spread wide open. It feels good and turns me on. I even suck on my own boobs....slap my a*s*s and bend over and stuff. I get really hot and have multiple orgasms. Is this weird??

I want to be a doctor. Where should i go to college?

I would 100% go with Santa Barbara! Great campus, not a completely overwhelming feel but still very lively and full of college kids, and has an outstanding reputation! Biology, rather than biology engineering will help you a little more in the focus of the medical field! Good luck & God bless!

He tells mutual friends I am picking on him for things he's not doing?

He's going to his mother telling her I am doing things I'm not doing, such as keeping him from going places he hasn't even discussed going to with me. Ie: The coast with his family and a trip to a nephew's wedding down south...never even asked me, yet tells them I stopped him from going. I learned this from another family member, while they were chewing me out for suppoedly doing these things. He puts me down all the time. He makes comments about my weight. Says I'm dumb. Says I didn't just say something I just said and picks on me for everything from the time I wake up til I go to bed. I get in the car yesterday to a mutual friend, and she drops him off and then chews me out for accusing him of doing things he's not even doing. (She was his friend over 10 years before meeting me) and I explained, he is being rude to me, or I would not ask him to treat me better. I do try not to talk to him in public, but instead to ask him to please curb his "joking" at my expense (ie: she can't tell a joke. Her butt's still jiggling. She's a wide load, etc.) and I ask him sometimes in front of people when he does it because later he will say he never did it. What would you do?

Is this good? Please edit? :)?

One of many modern day evils, is leukemia. Leukemia in an evil that escaped from pandora's box. 22,790 people are suffering from leukemia right now including children. Leukemia is not only evil though. First, people become weak and dependent on others, just for daily actions, such as taking a shower. Secondly, It is very painful to watch someone you love in pain, knowing there's nothing you can do. On the other hand, because of leukemia, many jobs as doctors, nurses, researchers, oncologists, and radiologists have been created. Also, with each diagnoses, they learn more about why people are getting it,more ways to prevent it, and growing closer to finding a cure. Another reason its not entirely bad, is great programs and ways to help other people with leukemia like lucys love bus, which provides comfort to children with cancer, Sy's fund, which brings comfort to adults with cancer, Why me (Worcester Help for Youth, Memories Everlasting) providing housing close to the hospital for children suffering from cancer and their families, And many more. Last, Leukemia is sad because sometimes, people die. Losing someone you love, for example Lucy Grogan, who left behind two younger siblings, is very hard and extremly sad. Though the patient may no longer have to suffer, they will always be loved and missed. Leukemia, changing the world as we know it…

What classes in college would I have to take if I wanted to be a Pediatric Oncologist? (Child Cancer Doctor)?

Okay I want to be a Pediatric Oncologist, which is a doctor who specializes in Children Caner patients. I wanna know what classes I would have to take in college though. Cause, I don't necessarily SUCK at Math, but it sure isn't my best subject. I'm sure you have to take Math classes, but how many and how hard are they? & What are some other classes i would have to take? Thank you very much(: <3

Do you have a list of every anime that you have watched?

yes mine is - a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Help? Are we being screwed?

My mom was just diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer on friday. She was diagnosed a year or two ago in one breast but it was really really early. She had a mastectomy and chemo but then it came back in the other breast. For the past few months she has been having a lot of trouble breathing, she couldn't even walk up a flight of stairs. She had a mastectomy a few weeks ago and after they sent her home she had to go to the emergency room because she couldn't breath. That's when they finally found out that it had spread to her lungs and bones. The doctors didn't even try to find out the real cause of her breathing problem before the surgery. They said "Oh it's Asthma." NOW they're scrambling to find some answers. The hospital she is in right now is already her second and now they want to transfer her again! She just got to this hospital last night! We haven't even been able to really sit down with the doctors to talk to them. It took her oncologist two weeks to even tell her she had cancer because she was on vacation! Little did she know that it wasn't just in her breast. They said "It's early." It really seems like they dropped the ball and now my poor mom has to suffer for it. Her oncologist is the one who wants her transferred again because she is affiliated with the hospital. That gives me a feeling that she wasn't even consulted about the last transfer. There just seems to be so much mis-communication. Please help!! I don't want to lose my mom. If anyone has any encouraging stories about people who have cured stage IV cancer I would appreciate it so much!!!! Thanks in advance!

Good teen dystopian romance novels?

The Hunger Games series is really good though I am not sure it is classified as a dystopian novel but there is a good combination of romance and action!

Career pediatric oncology?

I am deeply considering becoming a Pediatric Oncologist. I understand that you must first become a pediatrician, which may take up to five years. Then to become an oncologist would add almost up to nine years to the five. I am only in 8th grade now, but I want to know what I can be doing to prepare myself for this career route. What should I learn now? Which colleges are best?

Is this a pretty name for a baby girl?

I was thinking about when I have a baby girl naming her Eden Summer. Is that a pretty name? I love it.

Evaluation appt at Mayo Clinic?

July 11th I have appt with a Hematologist at Mayo in Rochester for my Myelofibrosis. (a blood cancer) The oncologist from Luther Midelfort reffered me to Mayo and called it an Evaluation. My blood counts don't signal urgency in having a bone marrow transplant or anything, but the oncologist said they want to find me a match to a donor so that when/if I require the transplant, it will be available. What will be done during this evaluation?

Do people really, regularly consult medical department heads?

Like on House. Because they work together, House's team can consult Wilson pretty much at will, as if there are no other oncologists in the world. Do the heads of medical departments really take on as many (or more) patients than him? Do they usually do routine checkups like that for other people?

WHat does it mean if your temples are tender or sore?

I was recently in a fist fight and took a hit to the head, gave me a black left eye and a very sore spot on my right side close to my temple. I was noticing when i opened my jaw wide that it hurts and was wondering if this is something i should be concerned about? Thanks

What is the cost of moving a double wide trailer apox 15 mile?

I live just south of Nixa Mo at south Oaks Estates and want to move my double wide to a park in Springfield MO My trailer is not on a foundation just blocks and tie downs please call me at 417 521 9012 please call back as soon as you can

My mom has cervical cancer diagnosed in August 2010 at stage 2B?

She did radiation and chemo and by the time of the first follow up it has spred to lymph nodes. She recently was planning on chemo again but she was not strong enough, not eating we got a feeding tube. They did a pet scan 4 weeks ago and said only a minimal change in the tumors, today they claim she has a bowel obstruction and that the tumors spread to liver and muscle and chemo is no longer an option as well as the feeding tube either. Does cancer spread that quickly? Does anyone know? I have had bad experiences with these oncologists in the past 3 months. They were all negative trying to convince us not to pursue treatments saying my mom is tired. I know it hasn't been easy but she was still kind of into the fight. How do you know if this is negligence? And even the truth? I am not in denial I know things were not good, but it just happened so fast??!!!

Why did god create us?

What if man choose righteousness over evil in the beginning and we all lived in the garden of Eden. What would be the point?

What body shape would i be?

my measurements are 32in bust-25in waist -35/35.5in hips. im 5'7 121 lbs and 14yrs old. it seams like a pear shape but my shoulders are as wide as my hips. oh and btw im an a cup... can anyone help? THANKS!!:)

Oncologists-do you like your job?

I'm thinking about going to school to become an oncologist. people have been trying to talk me out of this, because i know it can be stressful and emotionally hard. But my guy is telling me this is something i really want to do. People that may be an oncologist or knows someone who is, do you like your job or should i not go into this career?

Friday, August 5, 2011

If i want to be a pediatric oncologist, what would be my major in med school or does it matter?

I already know the process of becoming a pediatric oncologist. But what im curious about is once im in med school what do I "major" in?

What would be the best major for me to choose if i want to become a doctor?

Any major is fine as long as you take the premed classes (premed isn't a major). Pick a major you can use if you don't get into med school or change your mind. Biophysics is good if you're really interested in it.

Why do some police officers like to keep their car on?

Sometimes I'm just walking outside , and I see police officers don't turn off their car, and some of them even leave the door wide open, and the window rolled down, with their lights still on. Do they want someone to jack their car or something? All that exhaust is bad for the environment.

Being an oncologist or radiologist?

If medicine is really the field that you want to go into, you still need to complete med school and everything before specializing. By then, you'll probably have had some exposure to both oncology and radiology and you'll be able to go from there. Oncology is the highest burn-out rate for doctors, because they're the ones that deal with death the most. I know a rheumatologist that started out in oncology, but he would break down/not sleep everytime one of his patients died. So, he decided to go into a speciality where the patients didn't generally die. It's all up to your personality.

Oncology? What exactly is that?

I want to be an oncologist, but i'm not exactly sure what it is. Are there different categories to oncology? Like is an oncologist a surgeon or someone who helps patients treat cancer? If there is a difference can you please tell me what the different branches are? Also how many years of school do you need (starting from once you get out of high school)? What is a good school to go to for this major and how much money does an oncologist make? Finally is there a difference between a pediatric oncologist and a regular one (besides the fact that a pediatric oncologist deals with kids)? Thanks so much.

What should I major in, to become a pediatric oncologist?

I want to become a pediatric oncologist but not sure whether to major in biology or biology/pre-med!? Is there a difference. Thanks

Doctors and nurses I need advice about my career path.. will you help?

Definitely go the medcine route. Sure it may seem like a lot of time & years but in the end, it will be so worth it. There are people who are 50 yrs old and in med school. I'm 23 and thought about going the lpn route and going to nursing school but knew that at the end of the day I wanted to become a doctor & don't want to live regretting my decision to not pursue medicine. Enroll in college, take the prereqs, and ace the mcat. I would work as a massage therapist while in school so that you have money coming in. Also try applying for osteopathic medical schools as they cater to nontraditional students and might look favorably on your massage therapy background. It may seem like a long road ahead but those years go by fast & before you know it you'll be earning that medical degree. Best of luck!

What weight do you have to be to get your period?

I was asking my mum when I was going to get my period, but she said you have to be a certain weight but we dont know the weight. I want to know when I will get mine, I know I'm only 11, but I've been getting discharge for three years, I'm 30A, I have lots of pubic hair, BO, spots, wide hips and I'm five foot, I don't know how much I weigh though (mum doesnt approve of scales)

What the best 15 anime that are dub in echi,roamce,action and adventure?

I honestly don't understand what your question is... but the best show in that list is definitely Cowboy Bebop.

Why do non-christian scientists lie whenever the evidence is found for Biblical stories?

Mountains of evidence? I'm afraid you're wrong. Delusion does not equal mountains of evidence. Also, without science, you wouldn't be asking this question because you would not have any internet, computer(s), electricity, or really anything. You would just be in the middle of nowhere with nothing.

Your thoughts on this excerpt?

Not realistic enough, but pretty good. I've read about people going through dense jungle before in real life. The people not used to the area take guides along with them who know the way in spite of everything, and they hack branches and shrubs continually to get through and collapse from exhaustion and illness finally when through it. The screeching is probably there. The birds first warn the others that something foreign is coming through. They screech even louder if it's a leopard.

What is Nike's Best football cleat?

Im a Wide Reciever. Im trying to decide between the Nike Zoom Vapor Carbon Fly TD & Nike Zoom Vapor Carbon Fly D. Or any other Nike cleat you wanna suggest. Im a wide receiver and my speed is my main asset.

What College should I go to?

I'm a little fuzzy on how this really works, but I would either love to be a Geometry Teacher at a High School, or an Oncologist. Are there any colleges that I should look at that would be good for one or both of those professions?

Having watched how John Cena has really not proved himself as champ?

i really respect john. he doesnt turn down a match. And he has always been loyal to us and his fans. try giving him a chance.

I need help from a former wide out in football?

Best advice I can give you is to practice running perfect routes. Also, obviously, do everything you can to improve your speed. If you can run tight routes, and are fast, you'll be a star. Getting good hands just takes a lot of practice, and familiarity with your QB.

Help me find this kind of wedding dress?

Actually, a dress that's fitted in the hips accentuates them - so your hips and butt will look much larger if you get something fitted rather than an A-line skirt or something that flows away from your hips. Just a bit of advice!

Does this sound like BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder) ?

Basically, I hate the way I look. I am obsessed with my hair, I did to straighten it perfectly else I feel like the ugliest person alive! I obsessed about my eyebrows, my deodarants, whether I smell or not, my complexion! I have bad underarms as well and even though this is a small minor issue in comparison to the big wide world, it's all I think about! Even if everything in life is great and my hair isnt, I feel awful! I sometimes cry about it! I NEED to look in every reflection, to make sure every strand of hair is "right" and "in place". Even then it doesnt feel nice it feels right! I get very irritable if I feel I need to look in a mirror and I cant! I feel everyone is looking at me and judging me on my looks! My mum is constantly saying to stop looking in the mirrors, it's like taking over my life! please help me understand what this could be! :)

My oncologist says that he cannot rule out multiple Myeloma unless I have a bone marrow biopsy.?

So far all of my blood work have been great. The only blood numbers that were off was a high IgE count. However I waited a month and my IgE level is still elevated in the two hundreds but it is lower than a test he found from 2009. I don't want to have the bone marrow biopsy but I do have a lot of pain that comes and goes throughout my body. After investigating this cancer it appears that the pain is consistent and usually does not come and go. However this is a neuropathy connected to this cancer that can cause pain similar to my symptoms. Any thoughts? I am tired of this ordeal and really don't want a BNB.

Is it normal to masturbate to myself?

Is it normal to look at myself in the mirror while I finger myself? I like to make sexy faces with my legs spread wide open. It feels good and turns me on. I even suck on my own boobs....slap my a*s*s and bend over and stuff. I get really hot and have multiple orgasms. Is this weird??

How much money does an oncologist consultant earn in a year?

Earnings would be at least $400,000, but interest in earnings should never be disclosed to a medical school. It is immediate grounds for rejection of the application.

Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, Are The Weights Necessary?

My two problem areas are my waistline and thighs. I am 5 foot 3 inches and weigh 140lbs. My waistline, at the widest, measures 34 inches and each thigh (also measured at widest) is 21.5 inches. I was wondering if I would still get pretty significant results if I didn't use any weights at all. At the moment, I do her Yoga Meltdown dvd along with jogging but like with any workout, my body has adjusted and I have stopped seeing results. I am thinking of giving the 30 day shred a try but I really don't want to use weights. So are they really necessary? If it's any help, my goal is to get my waist down to 30 inches and each thigh down from 21.5 inches to 18 inches.

Should I study Law or become a Psychiatrist?

I love law, my father is a judge so I kind of get my law side from him. But I just have a thing for criminals, like I would of love to interview Ted Bundy. Crazy, I know. Plus I always wanted to be an actress so when i'm in court i'll be kind of performing. Every tells me i'd be really good at law. I was thinking of opening my own law firm after finishing law school since there aren't many jobs available for people without any experience. On the other hand my mother's side (including herself) are mostly in the medical field. And i've never really liked the medical field but I always wanted to be a Psychologist (but a Psychiatrist makes more). I was also considering Pediatric Oncologist (too long of studying, but it breaks my heart to see kids with cancer) or a Pediatrician ( I adore children)

Eden of the East - Movie 2 (Paradise Lost)?

What, dude it pissed me off... what the hell saki never see's him again. I mean the rest was pretty good but hey the rest was ok but it was gay that he never see's her again i felt like punching someone after i finished the movie.

Can veneers give me an "overbite"?

My teeth are perfect but I want them to jut out more when I'm talking or smiling. Can veneers do this? Can they give you a wider smile too?

Question about surgery?

I have just been diagnosed with cervical cancer, as of right now stage 1B. I have two beautiful children and my husband and I were planning for a third next year. I am only 31 and am having a really hard time accepting the fact that I will most likely lose my fertility when I had so many plans for the future. I have had abnormal paps since I was 18 years old. Nothing has ever been recommended before now. I had my colposcopy and it showed the normal dysplasia that I am used to. My new ObGyn recommended a LEEP. The pathology from the LEEP showed mild dysplasia on the outside of my cervix. It was on the inner cervix and the endocervix where squamous cell carcinoma was diagnosed. This is really scary to me because that's what my paps have shown for years was mild dysplasia. It was once they dug deeper with the LEEP that they found the cancer. It makes me wonder how long this has been like this. Anyway, I saw my Gyn Oncologist today whom essentially just wanted to know when I was available to have a hysterectomy. I feel the doctors have been so vague. He also gave me the option of a Trachelectomy if I still wanted more children. This is where I am struggling. Do I do the safest thing and have the hysterectomy or do I try for the Trachelectomy with a chance that cells could be left behind and no guarantee of safe pregnancy? Does anyone know more about this procedure? I have my surgery scheduled already, I just have to call and let him know which one within the week. I think in my heart I know what I should do. I am just so torn.

Any Suggestions To Why I'm Having 2 Years Of Right Lower Quad Pain After Car Accident?

I was in a car accident 22 months ago. 1 week after the accident I started having pain in the right lower quadrant. I have been to a obgyn, fertility specialist, gastroenterologist, hemotologist, oncologist. I have had multiple tests and everything has come back negative. I went to a chirpractor in Aug and he said that I had a misaligned pelvis. Could that have anything to do with it? I need some answers because I can't find anything on the internet since I'm only having one symptom.

How do I reply to this?

If you really trust her, then you should tell her- as long as you feel comfortable. Doing it over Facebook could be odd, so maybe you could just say something like "My summer's been a little hectic. Can I tell you something important?" If she says yes, then when you reply tell her that you would rather tell her in person. After you've confided in her, try to break the tension by asking her to teach you how to ride a bike. That may just be the escape you need from a rather stressful life.

Finding information technology thesis topic?

proposal should be submitted this week.payroll system,office messenger?it field is so wide but its really difficult for me to think and find a topic.thanks

What does an Oncologist and Neurologist do?

They pretty much do the same thing as any other doctor, except their patients usually have a specific disease. They talk to patients and their families, they order tests, they look at test results, they consult for other doctors, they watch surgeries (sometimes), etc. Some doctors teach medical school classes, so that may be another part of their job description.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

What colour was the apple that Eve fed Adam in the garden of Eden ?

It does not say that it is an apple tree, only that it is the tree of knowledge with the forbidden fruit. probably a banana then.

I'm 14 years old, 5'4, and 104 pounds? But my face if fat?

As you can see, I'm a very skinny weight. But my face, although it doesn't have a wide frame, is really round! I feel so bad about it because when I see my pictures it's always my face, not my body. So what can I do about this? And why is my face fat? I can't go on a diet... because then I will look anorexic. And I already eat healthily and normally and exercise a lot (swimming 7 times a week?) Soo... how can I fix this?

Should i get a full or a cob breast strap for my horse?

I'm a cat person, but there is a web site, call the # and ask for a product specialist- They know everything! And they are very glad to help!

Which name would you pick out of these 3 names?

Sophie Julianna, definitely. My sister and I have actually been arguing about this combo- we both love it, and so does my mom (who she would be named after). I looked at three names-- Sophie Julianne, Sophie Julianna, and Sophie Juliana. Actually Sophie Juliana is my favorite, but I love all three.

If you kill a 'blob of human cells' that has distinct DNA, you're a murderer, right?

How about you realize that you can prevent pregancy with common sense. Cancer is a whole different problem. Maybe instead of promoting abortion, you should promote birth control used WITH condoms. See cheaper, and less invasive. Both sides can be happy.

Extreme depression thanks to a kid!?

Im actually or was an atheist, but a strange thing happened today that i don't know why makes me VERY depressed. We'd a family meeting because of my grandparents 50th anniversary. There was my 9-year old first cousin that has endured a lot of difficult procedures at the hospital due to his neuroblastoma cancer. You can imagine how my father's brother and aunt have passed so long. Well, in the family reunion everybody (except me) said a prayer saying thanks to God for a "miracle" in my cousin because oncologists gave him like 7 or 10% or living. Then when we were going to eat meat my cousin asked me: you don't believe in God right? I didn't know what to say. That words are making me feel like sh$@t right now. I know this is kind of confusing to ask here at YA! but im so sad right now. I don't know why that comment has make me feel so bad if i've accomplished many things in my life, without God

Pediatric Oncologist and a Surgical Oncologist?

Can you become a pediatric oncologist and a surgical oncologist? I'm not sure if this is possible or where to find information on it. If someone could help me out, that would be great.

What is a really fun free mmo?

I'm looking for a fun one mmorpg to play with my friend because school just ended! I want it to be fun enough so we stick to it!! I've already played wow, runes of magic, league of legends, lost saga, allods online, and eden eternal! Wow, lol, lost saga, and eden eternal were all pretty fun but they became boring after a while. Answers appreciated:D and please dont give me a website like mmohut. i want actual game names:)

How do i make it to college football?

I am a sophomore in highschool. I weigh 132 lbs and 5"4. 8 run a 40 yard dash in 5.3. Bench: 145 lbs. Squat: 195lbs. Power Clean: 135 lbs and Dead lift :245 lbs. I play wide reciever. My coaches have told me that I might not be the fastest but I good at running routes and have great hands. What I can do to play college ball? Any tips?

What are the steps to becoming a medical oncologist in the Philippines?

I am graduating high school this school year and I am planning to become a medical oncologist. My problem is that i don't exactly know what are the steps to becoming one. sooooooo anyone? can you please help me out of my misery :)

What is the difference between oxycontin and oxycodone?

My mom is going thru cancer and has been on percocet (oxycodone + acetaminophen) for a year and recently her oncologist put her on oxycontin every 12 hours and percocet for breakthrough pain as needed. Is oxycontin just a long term or delayed release form of oxycodone or something different entirely? We just want to understand what she's on.

Isn't it a wondeful breakthrough that Christians will be able to go to church as naked as God intended them to?

As the proverbial snake, I like to see religious nuts becoming more divided and hateful towards one another over time. It will eventually be the death of serious religion. (This is why "New Age" is so popular now--the idea that it's fine to believe whatever the hell you want.) Good stuff.

I'm just plain curious.What do u think?Honest opinions pleaseee:)?

he definitely likes you! but i guess is gathering the nerves to say it out loud. Why don't u help him a little if you like him as well like show him that you like him as well. talk to him often and smile when he looks at you! :)

Do you see the Garden of Eden story happening?

I see the story of Adam and Eve happening once again. In Jerusalem (the sanctuary of God) you have those like the serpent saying if you listen to me you will not surely die. And as Adam and Eve gave up the sanctuary so, are the Israeli's looking to give up the sanctuary for peace. And separating themselves from the sanctuary will bring about the separation of them from God: which is death.

Treatment for blisters?

so the other day i was riding a scooter and my foot got burnt from the brakes. i now have a huge blister that is an inch long, half an inch wide, and a little more than a centimeter tall. i know i shouldn't pop it but there is a lot of pressure. what is the BEST treatment and how long do you think it will take to heal and totally be gone?

Need help with my writing.....?

So the mother has the kid? Or the large black man? And when the baby came out , they heard no screaming but the baby was alive? Also, Why didnt they give the baby to the mother? , Very good story but Explain a bit.

What is the story of assassins creed?

What are the pieces of Eden? Who are the knights Templar? Why does religion seem to be so important in the game? Are they trying to say religion is false...?

Help with university selection? this websites lists lot of schools. many of them are IGCSE. assuming you live in the west, it will save you money. Good luck

Architecture, Pediatric Oncologist?

You can do premed at any 4-year college or university. If you go to one that also offers architecture, you can major in architecture and take the premed classes and decide what to do after college. A doctor has better employment opportunities than pretty much anyone else, but you're looking at 8 years of college and another 5-8 in residency (training).

Should I stick with what I'm passionate about or...?

Go for it! My father always told me to strive for your dreams, have a plan, and the money will come to you! Which is so true! I wanted to be a doctor and I told him I was going to be one and got him all excited. Why I am not going off to college next year to be a doctor --- I didnt try hard in school. I graduated with a 3.2 GPA which isnt bad but its not good either. I was in 1 club. Do everything you can to get good grades and join clubs and do A LOT of community service. You may think its a waste of time unless you like volunteering but trust me, all of it will all pay off. I didnt get a single scholarship yet I see all my friends with scholarship money totalling 250,000 or even just 100,000. Work for it through highschool and it wont become a problem. read the book The Pact. its about 3 African American men who grew up in the ghetto and became Doctors. If they can do it anyone can. Also you can go to community college and get your gen eds done which will cost you like 6 grand for 2 years. Theres grants out there too. and If you have to pay off loans so what, you know how much Drs get paid? 12 years of college seems like a long time but the Drs who did that much school, they usually start at making 250,000 a year. Also I had cancer myself, I know what your families going through, I hope your cousin gets better. Do what I didnt do, Get that degree and have that dream! Now im just trying to make it being a rapper :(

How much is a new double wide trailer?

How much is a new double wide trailer with 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms? And how much does it cost to get it set up and allthat good stuff? What would i have to do to be able to buy it if its my first home? And can you pay monthly like rent to own? I need to know please and thank you!

What do I need to do to be an Oncologist?

I'm in High school right now, and I need to know what classes to take, what grades to get.... thanks! (:

Details about Oncology in Canada?

Would someone be able to fill me in on some details about becoming an Oncologist? I am 22 right now and have to do some upgrading and money saving. My plan is to enroll in school for this September 2014. The details i am looking for are, FIRST: Approximately how much will the entire thing cost? i understand its about 8 yrs of education so my guess is about 150 Gs? SECOND: Where can i get this schooling i know University of Calgary provides it but anywhere else? i would rather get further away from home so i dont have any distractions from friends and what not. THIRD: Will i be getting paid while im in residency for this and if so about how much? FOURTH: what are some good key things i should have under my belt to get accepted into med school after the college part of it? (not GPA or specific courses...i mean volunteer work, awards, being part of sports teams...ect) FIFTH: Do you know the average age of a first yr Oncologist? (just want to know how far behind schedule i am to the rest jus for curiosity) thanks sooo much for any help i recieve Hope i never meet you for any oncology work :)

Why does my system do the opposite?

If I take energy pills, vitamins, sex enhancer meds.....I get extremely sleepy. BUT, if I take a PM med or something that is supposed to make me drowsy, instead...I'm wide awake!! What causes such a reverse reaction this way? Thanks!!

4th Stage Oral cancer survival rate?

My father was diagnosed with 4th stage mouth cancer. He says he has headaches because of it. The oncologist doctor said he had 4th stage cancer and that his tutor was pretty big. He is going to get radiation with chemotherapy starting next week. What are his chances of him surviving this stage of cancer?

Need some help in this situational problems. ty:)?

Homework question. Can't help you because we don't know what your instructor is expecting. He's probably assigned you some reading for these answers.

How difficult is it to have children and spend time with them when both parents are doctors?

Thank you for anyone answering this question. My girlfriend and I are going into college soon. My girlfriend is planning on becoming a pediatric oncologist and I'm planning on becoming either a neurosurgeon or a surgeon. We are deeply in love with each other and plan on having a family together. We want to start a family anywhere from around the ages of 30-35. We know we are going to be very busy with med-school and residency and such, so we want to wait until we are sure we are ready. We want to be able to spend time with our future children and have a true family, but we are just worried about how much time we'll be able to be there for them. We would just like to know how difficult it would be to have children with both of us being doctors and how difficult it would be to spend enough time with them.

Bit fitting and mouth size?

When finding a bit for a certain horse I know it's important to consider the mouth and tongue size of the horse. Sometimes the bars are wider, some thinner, some tongues fleshier than others and you're supposed to fit the mouthpiece size accordingly. But how do I know what's a normal size tongue, mouth cavity and bar width? That way I will know what's abnormal?