Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What Do You Guys Think?

Okay, so I'm a sophomore in high school and i will be majoring in photography, i love photography, i always get compliments on my work and even my teacher nominated me to do Skills-USA; a competition for all technical/vocational schools in the nation to have an individual compete in the finals against the best of the country. But, I don't want to be a photographer when i grow up, I want to be a pediatric neurologist or a pediatric oncologist. The medical field is vastly interesting to me. In my school there's also a major called "allied health". it's a subject orientated for kids whom want to pursue in the medical field. People always say "oh why didn't you pick allied health if you want to be a doctor?". I have a plan though, i choose photography to major in because i know i would have to do possibly 12 years of college/med school/studies/residences, and thats going to be a lot of money. So i plan to have my own commercial photography business(i actually have my own business right now but it's just starting up) while im in college so i can save up money to pay off tuition/living cost, etc. I have the biggest of interest to be a doctor for kids, I really want to make a difference for them. Don't get me wrong i love photography with a passion but i dont see myself being completely happy with that profession. So do you guys think it was a smart idea to pick photography to major in high school, i know i have what it takes to succeed as a doctor, im greatly motivated.

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