Saturday, August 6, 2011

Help? Are we being screwed?

My mom was just diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer on friday. She was diagnosed a year or two ago in one breast but it was really really early. She had a mastectomy and chemo but then it came back in the other breast. For the past few months she has been having a lot of trouble breathing, she couldn't even walk up a flight of stairs. She had a mastectomy a few weeks ago and after they sent her home she had to go to the emergency room because she couldn't breath. That's when they finally found out that it had spread to her lungs and bones. The doctors didn't even try to find out the real cause of her breathing problem before the surgery. They said "Oh it's Asthma." NOW they're scrambling to find some answers. The hospital she is in right now is already her second and now they want to transfer her again! She just got to this hospital last night! We haven't even been able to really sit down with the doctors to talk to them. It took her oncologist two weeks to even tell her she had cancer because she was on vacation! Little did she know that it wasn't just in her breast. They said "It's early." It really seems like they dropped the ball and now my poor mom has to suffer for it. Her oncologist is the one who wants her transferred again because she is affiliated with the hospital. That gives me a feeling that she wasn't even consulted about the last transfer. There just seems to be so much mis-communication. Please help!! I don't want to lose my mom. If anyone has any encouraging stories about people who have cured stage IV cancer I would appreciate it so much!!!! Thanks in advance!

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