Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Should my 62yr old mother go through chemotheraphy?

My mom was diagnosed with stage3 colon cancer last month. She had an operation where part of her colon was removed, has a colostomy & currently 83lbs. My family is now in debate whether she'll have chemo or not. Mom can't decide on her own but she expressed her fear of having chemo. Her oncologist wants her to take oral chemo (Xelox) and gave us 15% survival statistic. We all know chemotherapy is pretty hard, its a race between curing her cancer or killing her immune system first before killing her cancer. So, I myself is really confused whether to chemo or look for alternatives. For now we only have homeopathy while we raise money for chemo if she decides to have it. If my mom didn't have major surgery & younger, I myself will influence her to have chemo for it's still the #1 option for any cancer. But I don't want to lose her that fast and knowing she'll be in a lot of pain. If I can only choose for her, I'd rather prolong her life w/o chemo but of course cancer will spread and she'll end up in pain if her other organs will be affected and it'll be too late to have chemo. Anyone who knows a senior citizen who had chemo and lived longer than 6mos? There are a lot of cancer survivors but can't find anyone close to my mom's situation. Pls pray for my mom, a miracle is badly needed.

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