Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Doctors knew i had cancer but would not diagnosis, what to do?

To make a long story short I went to 3 different hospital and to primary care doctor with a very large mass on left side of neck. Let them all know I was having problems breathing and also there was a very strong family history of cancer in my family mainly females ( my mom died of cancer at age 47 and I was 46 at the time). They all did a ct scan and my pcp sent me to see a general surgeon to do a biopsy, which he refused to do in the mean time the mass was getting larger. Everyone would tell me the think I have lymphoma but know one would do anything about it. The doctors kept swapping me around to different doctors like a foster child and the doctors they would send me to had nothing to do with my problem. After going thru phone book calling any and everybody trying to get help (I had no insurance or job) I could not get anyone to help me. Went to one hospital er because I was having problem breathing and my blood pressure wasextremelyy high, this er doctor told me "we don't treat people here for free you need to go to county hospital". I was at the point of giving up when one of the nurses told me to go to health dept and talk to them which probably saved my life. I talked to director of bridges to care who sent me to see a oncologist who ran test, did biopsy and found out I have Hodgkin's Lymphoma and he believed it was going into 3rd stage. I just finished my chemo and starting radiation therapy monday. I would like to know if I could sue the 3 hospital and doctors who put me thru a lot of frustration, depression, and thinking I was dying. If I had not went to bridges to care I would probably be dead by now because hodgkins is a blood cancer which is in lymnodes and mine was spreading in other places besides my neck, also the mass in my neck was so big it was wrapping around my main artery in both sides of my neck.

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