Friday, August 12, 2011

Trying to make a decision about surgery?

I have just been diagnosed with cervical cancer, as of right now stage 1B. I have two beautiful children and my husband and I were planning for a third next year. I am only 31 and am having a really hard time accepting the fact that I will most likely lose my fertility when I had so many plans for the future. I have had abnormal paps since I was 18 years old. Nothing has ever been recommended before now. I had my colposcopy and it showed the normal dysplasia that I am used to. My new ObGyn recommended a LEEP. The pathology from the LEEP showed mild dysplasia on the outside of my cervix. It was on the inner cervix and the endocervix where squamous cell carcinoma was diagnosed. This is really scary to me because that's what my paps have shown for years was mild dysplasia. It was once they dug deeper with the LEEP that they found the cancer. It makes me wonder how long this has been like this. Anyway, I saw my Gyn Oncologist today whom essentially just wanted to know when I was available to have a hysterectomy. I feel the doctors have been so vague. He also gave me the option of a Trachelectomy if I still wanted more children. This is where I am struggling. Do I do the safest thing and have the hysterectomy or do I try for the Trachelectomy with a chance that cells could be left behind and no guarantee of safe pregnancy? Does anyone know more about this procedure? I have my surgery scheduled already, I just have to call and let him know which one within the week. I think in my heart I know what I should do. I am just so torn.

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